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7 Tips to Securely Open Source Your Internal Software

Researchers forecast that, over the next few years, open-source code will reach an annual growth rate of more than 25 percent. With cost savings and increased

Where your code secrets hide: risky filetypes to know

Where your code secrets hide: risky filetypes to know

As you develop applications, are you doing everything you can do to protect your data, code, and intellectual property? If you’re not running a secret scanner

6 Steps to survive a source code leak

6 Steps to survive a source code leak

Source code leaks happen. When they do, you need to act fast to secure your assets and your development environment. The longer an insider threat incident

10 Free Developer Tools to Shift Left Security

10 Free Developer Tools to Shift Left Security

Have you ever produced a bug-free, well-tested release candidate that later failed the security tests done by InfoSec? This may be due to your security testing

5 Essential Cloud Security Management Tips Most DevOps Neglect

5 Essential Cloud Security Management Tips Most DevOps Neglect

Did you know that 65% of organizations believe they have to choose between innovation and security? This stems from the idea that developers need full access

bad coding habits

5 Bad Coding Habits That Leave Your Source Code Exposed

In 2020 the average cost of a data breach was $3.86 Million. There are many ways that you can be proactive about your security to prevent

How to Choose a Secret Scanning Solution to Protect Credentials in Your Code

How safe are your passwords? How secure are your API keys? Are you sure your CI pipeline is configured using the best security practices? One of

Stopping Supply Chain Attacks With Preflight

It’s been a few weeks since the CodeCov hack sent ripples across the software development industry. One of these ripples was an increased awareness of supply

the last mile of sensitive data

The Last Mile of Sensitive Data

Almost any given modern software project these days will contain a set of technologies that offer a developer-productivity story, for traditional cloud stacks and cloud native

Stop leaks at the source!