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7 Building Blocks of an Effective Cyber Security Strategy

In the world of software development, you’re often racing against deadlines and demands from all directions. Product, marketing, service, and support all seem to have something

Top 9 Secret Management Tools for 2024

Updated 03.2024 When it comes to developing software, secrets are necessary for connecting everything up in a secure manner. The verification of secrets is how servers

Top 11 Identity & Access Management Tools

You might think that a strong password policy will be enough to protect your code and cloud assets, but it is insufficient. Human error will always

Top 7 PHP Security Issues And Vulnerabilities

78.9% of all the websites whose server-side programming language we know are powered by PHP behind the scenes. Without

Top 10 Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools

Top 10 Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools in 2023

Updated December 19, 2023 What is SAST? It is not just another hard-to-decipher acronym; it is the foundation upon which secure code is built. SAST is

How to Build Your DevOps Cloud Security Stack

How to Build Your DevOps Cloud Security Stack

For a long time, the best approach to network and data security was network segregation. If you protect your intranet from the Internet, there are significantly

identity and access management best practices

Top 5 Identity and Access Management Best Practices for DevSecOps

Did you know that human error is by far the leading cause in data breaches? Up to 95% of all data breaches are caused by misconfiguration,

How to set up git branch protection rules

How to set up Git branch protection rules

There’s probably not a developer alive who is not familiar with Git. It is, after all, the most popular software versioning system out there. Git is

3 Weeks into the GitHub CoPilot secrets leak – What have we learned

Artificial intelligence has long been heralded as the solution to all our problems: “Don’t worry about it – let the computers do the worrying for you”.

Stop leaks at the source!