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Top 10 data governance tools for 2024

Top 10 data governance tools for 2024

While artificial intelligence and big data steal the spotlight, a less glamorous but equally crucial discipline is quietly shaping the future of business: data governance. With

What is Mandatory Access Control (MAC) and 7 Ways To Understand When You Need It

What is Mandatory Access Control (MAC) and 7 Ways To Understand When You Need It

Every day, headlines scream about data breaches and cyberattacks. Could your organization be next? If you’re not using Mandatory Access Control (MAC), you’re leaving your sensitive

7 Phishing Awareness Training Methods You Should Know

7 Phishing Awareness Training Methods You Should Know

Modern cybercriminals aren’t just after your average employee. They’re targeting DevOps engineers – the gatekeepers of critical infrastructure and valuable data.  90% of data breaches start

Top 5 Most Commonly Used IoT Protocols and Their Security Issues

Top 5 Most Commonly Used IoT Protocols and Their Security Issues

What happens when devices meant to make your life easier become tools for intrusion? Your smart TV could become a surveillance device, your fitness tracker could

How to Select the Right Data Discovery Tool for Your Requirements

How to Select the Right Data Discovery Tool for Your Requirements

Sensitive data, like customer information and internal processes, often lurks hidden in employee devices or in unmanaged spreadsheets. This “shadow data” poses a security risk because

9 Benefits of Zero Trust Architecture

9 Benefits of Zero Trust Architecture

Your organization’s data and applications are scattered across multiple cloud platforms and on-premise systems. How do you guarantee security in this sprawling digital landscape?   Cloud sprawl

What does IAM PassRole do and How to Set it Up

What does IAM PassRole do and How to Set it Up

95% of cloud security fails are due to internal slip-ups. One wrong password, one sloppy permission, and your sensitive data are out in the open. Thankfully,

5 Steps to Building a Robust Cyber Resilience Framework

5 Steps to Building a Robust Cyber Resilience Framework

The reality of cybersecurity is simple – breaches will occur – and reactivity will always be the losing strategy. Having a cyber resilience framework shifts the

The Essential Guide to Data Monitoring

The Essential Guide to Data Monitoring

In a world where data is the new currency, understanding and leveraging data monitoring has become indispensable. Data monitoring involves systematically collecting, analyzing, and managing data

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