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Cloud Deployment

What is Azure code signing, and how can it improve security

What is Azure code signing, and how can it improve security

Trust is fragile in software, especially in the fast-paced complexity of cloud environments. Code signing reinforces that trust by digitally proving your software’s authenticity and integrity.

Blue Green Deployment vs Canary

Blue Green Deployment vs Canary

A buggy rollout or, even worse, a security breach can lead to user frustration, lost trust, and damaged reputation. To keep users happy and your brand

How to stay ahead of AWS Lambda costs 

How to stay ahead of AWS Lambda costs 

Severless is excellent, right? Faster development and less infrastructure hassle – but those AWS Lambda costs can sneak up on you. Over 70% of AWS customers

7 Smart Steps to Run Serverless Containers on Kubernetes

7 Smart Steps to Run Serverless Containers on Kubernetes

Serverless containers mark a notable evolution from traditional containerization. Traditional containers, being continuously active, can lead to resource wastage. Serverless containers, however, are ephemeral and operate

Cloud Risk Management: The DevOps Guide

Cloud Risk Management: The DevOps Guide

For DevOps software developers, navigating the cloud landscape without a clear understanding of risks is equivalent to walking into a minefield blindfolded. Cloud risk management, therefore,

Top 10 Docker Vulnerability Scanners for 2023

Top 10 Docker Vulnerability Scanners for 2023

Docker has revolutionized how developers work by offering a powerful platform for creating, shipping, and running container applications. It helps developers conquer the complexity of application

kubectl pod restart

Kubectl restart pod: A Foolproof Guide to Pod restarts

Containerization is the most popular approach for all modern cloud deployment. This technology makes it possible to encapsulate application workloads as OS-agnostic containers. The result is

What is a DevOps Toolchain and 7 Reasons to Implement it Now

What is a DevOps Toolchain and 7 Reasons to Implement it Now

DevOps teams are one of the most essential links in the software development chain. It seems like they have a hand in everything that takes place

Top 10 CNAPP Software Vendors for 2023

Top 10 CNAPP Software Vendors for 2023

As a developer or member of a DevOps team, you probably know the stress and satisfaction of pouring your heart and soul into developing a groundbreaking

Stop leaks at the source!