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The 4 Types of NoSQL Databases You Need to Know

The 4 Types of NoSQL Databases You Need to Know

With the modern big data revolution, NoSQL databases have become widely popular. Their scalability and support of unstructured data is appealing to developers seeking solutions outside

The Essential List of Terraform Modules and Their Purposes

The Essential List of Terraform Modules and Their Purposes

Rapid and constantly-evolving software development cycles have increased the need for reliable and fast infrastructure changes. Thus manually carrying out infrastructure changes has become an unscalable

the essential guide to understanding the devops lifecycle

The Essential Guide to Understanding the DevOps Lifecycle

DevOps has revolutionized how software is developed and deployed by introducing a more collaborative environment for development and bridging the gap between developers and operations. All

Identity Governance: What Is It And Why Should DevSecOps Care?

Did you know that the household data of 123 million Americans were recently stolen from Alteryx’s Amazon cloud servers in a single cyberattack? But the blame

What is Log4Shell (the Log4j vulnerability)?

Log4j, Log4j, Log4j. Let’s see you say that 10 times fast. If you can’t, then you may need to learn because Log4j is on the tips

The Advanced Guide to Using Kubernetes Secrets

Did you know that Kubernetes is one of the leading open-source projects globally, boasting contributors from Google, Microsoft, and many other tech giants? Kubernetes enjoys the

5 Steps to Make ML Apps Actionable

The lifecycle of machine learning apps is a known phenomenon in the AI world; Product team defines a need -> ML team generates a model ->

The Code AI Challenge: How To Create A Code Dataset For AI/ML Training

The Code AI Challenge: How To Create A Code Dataset For AI/ML Training

Developers don’t want to become obsolete, but we do want to become more efficient and effective at what we do. In addition to honing our skills

How to set up git branch protection rules

How to set up Git branch protection rules

There’s probably not a developer alive who is not familiar with Git. It is, after all, the most popular software versioning system out there. Git is

Stop leaks at the source!