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Uri Shamay

Identity Governance: What Is It And Why Should DevSecOps Care?

Did you know that the household data of 123 million Americans were recently stolen from Alteryx’s Amazon cloud servers in a single cyberattack? But the blame

SOC 1 vs SOC 2 for DevSecOps: Which Do You Need and Why?

SOC 1 and SOC 2 are the most common auditing and reporting frameworks for DevSecOps. This article will compare the differences between the two, and provide insight into which you may choose for different objectives.

Top 11 Identity & Access Management Tools

You might think that a strong password policy will be enough to protect your code and cloud assets, but it is insufficient. Human error will always

itil vs devops

ITIL vs. DevOps: The Quest for Continuous Change Management

You’ve heard of DevOps. You’ve heard of ITIL. And you’ve likely wondered: Which of these two concepts should guide your approach to IT operations and software

Top 10 iac tools

Top 10 Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Tools to Know in 2024

Updated 03.2024 Is there a way to easily fix and debug issues that only happen in specific production systems? There is. The way to fix them

7 Tips to Securely Open Source Your Internal Software

Researchers forecast that, over the next few years, open-source code will reach an annual growth rate of more than 25 percent. With cost savings and increased

Where your code secrets hide: risky filetypes to know

Where your code secrets hide: risky filetypes to know

As you develop applications, are you doing everything you can do to protect your data, code, and intellectual property? If you’re not running a secret scanner

10 Free Developer Tools to Shift Left Security

10 Free Developer Tools to Shift Left Security

Have you ever produced a bug-free, well-tested release candidate that later failed the security tests done by InfoSec? This may be due to your security testing

bad coding habits

5 Bad Coding Habits That Leave Your Source Code Exposed

In 2020 the average cost of a data breach was $3.86 Million. There are many ways that you can be proactive about your security to prevent

Stop leaks at the source!