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How to Secure a Service Mesh Architecture

How to Secure a Service Mesh Architecture

Many organizations build applications using microservices that often communicate with other distributed services. Ensuring that they remain secure requires a “secure token service,” secure communication protocols

10 Essentials for Big Data Security

10 Essentials for Big Data Security

In today’s data-driven world, skilled developers are much sought out for their ability to build applications that serve the Big Data needs of organizations. The sheer

serverless security guide

The Developer’s Guide to Serverless Security

Serverless computing brings a highly efficient way to deploy applications and run software on demand. Testament to that is the fact that serverless application adoption is

4 Tips for an Airtight Kubernetes Security Policy

4 Tips for an Airtight Kubernetes Security Policy

Kubernetes powers significant automation capabilities for developers in deploying, managing, scaling, and ensuring the availability of containerized apps. Data from 2021 shows that adoption continues to

Top 7 Data Leak Detection Solutions

Top 7 Data Leak Detection Solutions

Today’s threat actors often carry out cyber attacks with the primary objective of accessing and exfiltrating sensitive information from your IT environment. Efforts to obtain this

sdlc security

5 Essential Ways to Improve SDLC Security

Vulnerabilities found in application platforms and third-party libraries have drawn growing attention to application security in the last few years, putting pressure on DevOps teams to

cloud data migration

8 Steps to a Successful Cloud Data Migration

It is rare nowadays to hear of a business strategy that doesn’t entail a cloud strategy. So it comes as no surprise that 85% of organizations

9 things you need ot know about application management

9 Things You Need to Know About Application Management

The statistics support Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s claim that “every company is a software company.” The average enterprise was already deploying 464 custom applications back in

how to performa comprehensive vulnerability assessment

How to Perform a Comprehensive Network Vulnerability Assessment

Despite growing awareness and prioritization of cybersecurity, close to 22,000 vulnerabilities were published in 2021 alone. This concerning number proves that awareness and a willingness to

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