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Developer tools

the last mile of sensitive data

The Last Mile of Sensitive Data

Almost any given modern software project these days will contain a set of technologies that offer a developer-productivity story, for traditional cloud stacks and cloud native

code review checklist

Code Review Checklist: 8 steps to improved productivity [XLS template attached]

Code review is the best way to maintain a high level of code quality. The code review acts not only as a gatekeeper for bad code

What is a Data Architect & How You Become One

What is a Data Architect & How You Become One

Quick announcement: with SpectralOps you can protect your data from leaks caused by hard coded secrets and misconfigurations At the root of every application and software

Top 9 Git Secret Scanning Tools for DevSecOps

Top 9 Git Secret Scanning Tools for DevSecOps

Part of the Spectral API Security Series Collaboration is key. Not only in software development. But when it comes to collaboration on Git repositories, the word

Top 11 Debuggers You Need To Know In 2021

Top 11 Debuggers You Need To Know In 2021

Nobody loves a bug in their code. They’re annoying and create bumps in our flow state when coding. Yet, they feature on a frequent basis when

top git security issues

8 Top Git Security Issues & What To Do About Them

Git is the most popular software version control (SVC) standard used by developers today. That doesn’t make it the most secure. Whether you’re using GitLab, GitHub,

best data modeling tools

Top 10 Data Modeling Tools to Know in 2021

When developers approach databases they often neglect proper data modeling. This can result in a lot of fiddling with the data structure over time. Fiddling is

TFS Continuous Integration - How To Set Up Azure Pipelines

TFS Continuous Integration – How To Set Up Azure Pipelines

DevOps is an evolving practice. New tools, methodologies and approaches are explored to meet the needs of businesses and developers. When it comes to orchestrating development

github vs gitlab

GitLab vs GitHub: Which is right for you

It is safe to say that most code in the world resides on either GitLab or GitHub. Which makes perfect sense in a cloud-based, OSS-dependent world.

Stop leaks at the source!