Top 7 Data Leak Detection Solutions

By Eyal Katz July 12, 2022

Today’s threat actors often carry out cyber attacks with the primary objective of accessing and exfiltrating sensitive information from your IT environment. Efforts to obtain this “crown jewel” information usually involve complex multi-phase cyber attacks. But another way in which sensitive data ends up in the hands of malicious actors with a lot less effort is when an organization exposes sensitive data assets in a data leak incident. 

Primarily, profit is the main driver behind the modern trend toward data exfiltration (Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigations report found that over 80 percent of breaches were motivated by financial gain). Malicious parties know that they can sell sensitive data on the dark web or hold organizations to ransom for huge sums. In the modern data-driven economy, businesses collect and generate sensitive information in abundance, which puts a target on their backs. 

It’s imperative to detect and remediate data leaks promptly because there’s a strong probability a data leak turns into a data breach if not dealt with. Since data leaks are not always obvious, it’s prudent to turn to a dedicated solution for identifying and remedying these leaks. This article provides a round-up of five top data leak detection solutions along with some additional insights on data leaks and data breaches. 

Data Leak or Data Breach? 

Data leaks and data breaches are two terms often used interchangeably but there are some differences worth clarifying. 

A data leak is the accidental or intentional exposure of sensitive data by an organization. Data leaks are often instigated by security errors or weaknesses overlooked by organizations, such as unpatched software vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, weak passwords, and insecure disposal of storage media. 

A data breach is an incident in which an unauthorized party manages to access or steal sensitive information. The enormous costs involved in a data breach — $4.24 million by one estimate — make the possibility of a breach a particularly unpalatable occurrence for security and technology leaders. These costs include compliance fines, litigation fees, and more intangible costs like reputational damage. 

The distinction here is important because a data leak can directly lead to a data breach. When a threat actor takes advantage of a data leak and accesses or downloads sensitive data assets, you have a breach on your hands. 

Top 7 Data Leak Solutions 

The escalation from a data leak to a data breach can happen in minutes or hours especially given the sheer number of opportunistic threat actors constantly hunting for low-hanging fruit. Even if it takes days, many organizations face the awkward situation of only finding out about breaches when reading a media report after a threat actor posted their sensitive data assets on a dark web forum. 

Data leak detection solutions help to accelerate the time taken to identify these leaks and potential data breaches. The following list of data leak solutions is presented in no particular order. 

1. Polar Security

Polar Security


Polar security automates compliance and data monitoring by monitoring data warehouse, lakes, etc. in real-time for any vulnerabilities or non-compliances


As organizations increasingly shift to storing their data in the Cloud for improved efficiency they are also faced with new challenges to privacy compliance and cyber attacks. Pola automatically maps and follows data and data flows to provide deep visibility and protection across cloud-native data assets.


  • Excels at mapping distributed data flows in real-time
  • Prevents data leaks and non compliance before they can hurt the organization


  • Focused on Cloud infrastructure only


Read a full platform brief here

2. SpectralOps



We developed a scanning engine combining AI and hundreds of detectors that help developers to monitor, classify, and protect their code, assets, and infrastructure from exposed API keys, tokens, credentials, and security misconfigurations.


Seeing that digital transformation pushes developers to deploy new applications faster and to innovate at an increasing speed, we’re on a mission to enable developers to build and ship software without worry. We do that by helping them to find harmful security errors in code, configurations, and other artifacts in real-time.


  • Easy-to-use tool designed by developers, for developers.
  • Integrates seamlessly with both cloud and traditional applications.
  • Supports a variety of automated code security use cases, including Infrastructure as Code Scanning, Code Tampering Prevention, Hardcoded Secrets Detection, Source Controls and CI/CD Security, and Source Code Leakage Detection.
  • Deploys in less than five minutes and the code scanning delivers accurate results within seconds.
  • Gives developers visibility over log shipping integration, protecting company-sensitive data before it leaves their perimeter. 


  • This tool is developed and designed for developers, so it might not be the best fit for businesses that don’t have an internal DevOps team.


Create a free account and launch your free code scan here

3. Threat Status

Threat Status


Threat Status has a SaaS platform named Trillion. The purpose of Trillion is to monitor for data leaks and breaches in third-party applications. A feature of Trillion named Honey Creds inserts small unique attributes into data for the purposes of monitoring your sensitive data assets for potential exposures. 


Threat Status is a UK-based cybersecurity company. The solution is aimed at IT admin and security teams. 


  • The Trillion platform is suitable for organizations of all sizes rather than only being marketed to and affordable for enterprises. 
  • An extensive database of data leaks and breaches alerts you about risks stemming from both past and current incidents in which usernames and passwords were found in leaks.


  • One disadvantage is that Threat Status’ solutions are less focused on detecting data leaks and more focused on data breaches.
  • Another drawback is that Threat Status seems to only really monitor account credentials, but there are many other potential sources of sensitive data that can be leaked.


You can read a full datasheet on the solution here

4. Reflectiz


Although not specialized in data leak detection per se, Reflectiz has developed a SaaS solution that identifies and mitigates risks on customers’ websites using behavioral analysis. This remote platform is designed to protect websites and applications from client-side attacks specifically (attacks originating in users’ browsers), to prevent vulnerable third-party providers from leading attackers to the website where their services are used. This is particularly relevant here because many of these third parties process user data on behalf of the website, such as payment and marketing tracking solutions. Because website owners do not control the security and compliance of third parties, it is challenging for them to guarantee whether they’re secure and compliant themselves. 


Reflectiz is a cyber security company with a passion for ethical hacking. They’re on a mission to help eCommerce and Financial Services companies conduct business online while staying compliant with regional and industry regulations and preventing cyber attacks. 


  • Maps out all third-party activity on a website and provides website owners the resulting data on their potential compliance issues and vulnerabilities.
  • On a single platform, users can see which digital assets are running on their website, the behaviors of these applications and their potential security implications, and the relationships between assets (mapping where third parties communicate with data and other domains).
  • A modular, no-code platform that is easy to use. 


  • Reflectiz focuses primarily on eCommerce and Financial Services sectors, so this solution might not be the best suited for all business models and industries. 


Book a demo and try the solution for free here


5. UpGuard BreachSight

UpGuard BreachSight


BreachSight is a fully-integrated attack surface management platform that helps prevent data breaches and discover leaked credentials. The platform comes with reporting, security risk scores, and automated notifications when employee credentials get leaked. 


Upguard is a cybersecurity vendor specializing in third-party risk and attack surface management platforms. The company processes over 800 billion data points each day and regards its mission as “protecting the world’s data”. BreachSight has pricing plans aimed at small businesses right through to the enterprise level. 


  • BreachSight’s focus on attack surface management helps to identify many major causes of data exposures, such as cloud misconfigurations and software vulnerabilities.  
  • The BreachSight platform is easy to use, and the insights are valuable in preventing breaches. 


  • The admin interface can be difficult to navigate and somewhat overwhelming due to so many options.
  • Interpretation of risk scores posed by various vulnerabilities can be unclear because the scoring algorithms seem to regularly change. This can pose issues when trying to communicate with executives who don’t necessarily understand the underlying risks but care more about metrics that could be worsening as a result of algorithm changes rather than any risk changes. 


Get the lowdown with a full datasheet on BreachSight here

6. LeaksID



LeakdsID is a solution specifically focused on protecting sensitive documents against leaks from insider threats (both accidental and intentional). A patented algorithm adds anti-leak marks to sensitive documents to deter insiders from exposing those assets to potential breaches. 


LeaksID is a solution launched by American cybersecurity company G-71 Inc with a mission to instill a culture of carefully handling sensitive documents internally. From printouts to screenshots to pictures of documents on smartphones, each of these risky insider activities creates a potential data leak. 


  • Helps you protect intellectual property from insider threats; as soon as a leak is detected you can remediate and identify the person responsible.
  • In a remote and collaborative work landscape, LeaksID is great for protecting cloud-based sensitive data documents such as those stored in Google Drive and similar services. 


  • LeaksID has quite a narrow range of use cases when it comes to leak detection because it zones in one type of threat and only protects one type of sensitive asset (documents).


Find a comprehensive introduction to LeaksID here

7. Obsidian Cloud Detection and Response

Obsidian Cloud Detection and Response


Obsidian is a cloud detection and response platform providing security analytics and visibility into leading SaaS applications used by many businesses, such as Salesforce, Office 365, and Google Workspace. The solution is a SaaS product that doesn’t require you to install any agent. The solution helps detect and mitigate account compromise and other data leaks in SaaS apps before your data can be exfiltrated (breached).


Obsidian is a California-based cybersecurity startup wanting to protect the SaaS applications that today’s businesses rely on most. 


  • Advanced aggregation, enrichment, and analytics help identify data leaks and externally shared files using data sources such as users, privileges, activity, and application configurations. 
  • A consolidated view makes it easy for security teams to investigate and solve the issues causing data leaks before threat actors manage to breach the data.


  • Limited to data leaks from SaaS applications so you’ll need an alternative solution for detecting other sources of data leaks. 


A full white paper outlining the Obsidian platform is here.  

Prioritize Data Leak Prevention 

These top data leak detection solutions are clearly useful tools to have in your cybersecurity arsenal. Identifying data leaks in a timely manner can prevent security mishaps or intentional actions that expose sensitive data from escalating to full-scale breaches – not to mention all of the associated unwanted consequences of a breach. 

But to really get to the root of data leaks, you need to have tools and processes in place that prevent these incidents from happening at all. A pillar of any good cybersecurity strategy is multiple lines of defense. Threats to your code and data can come from internal and external sources, so one solution or one type of solution (detection) is unlikely to suffice. 

Spectral’s AI-powered technology gets to the root of data leaks by monitoring, classifying, and protecting your code, assets, and infrastructure for exposed API keys, tokens, credentials, and high-risk security misconfigurations. The scanner works in minutes and helps identify and remediate issues and risks in code and other assets that could lead to data leaks and breaches further down the line. Learn more about real-time data loss prevention today

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