Side Floating
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Side Floating

Spectral joins the Rust Foundation

Choosing Rust to power Spectral’s core engine was firstly a matter of reason, but also, a lucky mistake. Coming from a painfully eclectic background of assembly,

Building Developer Experience: Speed

At Spectral, we’ve created the Developer Experience Manifesto which describes a gist of years of our experience building developer tools and infrastructure. It also serves as

Top 11 Identity & Access Management Tools

You might think that a strong password policy will be enough to protect your code and cloud assets, but it is insufficient. Human error will always

Top 7 PHP Security Issues And Vulnerabilities

78.9% of all the websites whose server-side programming language we know are powered by PHP behind the scenes. Without

Gartner Emphasizes The Importance of Code Secret Scanning in The Software Delivery Process

As attackers shift their attention to software development systems and build pipelines to exploit, Gartner experts recommend that software engineering leaders invest in hardening the software

5 Steps to Make ML Apps Actionable

The lifecycle of machine learning apps is a known phenomenon in the AI world; Product team defines a need -> ML team generates a model ->

Why the recent Twitch breach means much more than “just” leaked source code

Amazon-owned Twitch, a massively popular video streaming service, was recently breached by hackers who leaked a massive pile of source code, data, unreleased products, payout reports,

itil vs devops

ITIL vs. DevOps: The Quest for Continuous Change Management

You’ve heard of DevOps. You’ve heard of ITIL. And you’ve likely wondered: Which of these two concepts should guide your approach to IT operations and software

Top 10 Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools

Top 10 Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools in 2023

Updated December 19, 2023 What is SAST? It is not just another hard-to-decipher acronym; it is the foundation upon which secure code is built. SAST is

Stop leaks at the source!