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What is Log4Shell (the Log4j vulnerability)?

Log4j, Log4j, Log4j. Let’s see you say that 10 times fast. If you can’t, then you may need to learn because Log4j is on the tips

Top 12 AWS Security Tools You Should Know

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a large suite of security tools to protect workloads, data, and applications running on AWS cloud infrastructure. Among the 25 AWS-native

The Advanced Guide to Using Kubernetes Secrets

Did you know that Kubernetes is one of the leading open-source projects globally, boasting contributors from Google, Microsoft, and many other tech giants? Kubernetes enjoys the

Misconfigured Kafdrop Puts Companies’ Apache Kafka Completely Exposed

This research refers to exposed data of organizations or individuals as a result of misconfigured infrastructure, not caused by the Kafdrop project itself. Highly committed to the

SOC 1 vs SOC 2 for DevSecOps: Which Do You Need and Why?

SOC 1 and SOC 2 are the most common auditing and reporting frameworks for DevSecOps. This article will compare the differences between the two, and provide insight into which you may choose for different objectives.

7 Building Blocks of an Effective Cyber Security Strategy

In the world of software development, you’re often racing against deadlines and demands from all directions. Product, marketing, service, and support all seem to have something

Top 9 Secret Management Tools for 2024

Updated 03.2024 When it comes to developing software, secrets are necessary for connecting everything up in a secure manner. The verification of secrets is how servers

Spectral joins the Rust Foundation

Choosing Rust to power Spectral’s core engine was firstly a matter of reason, but also, a lucky mistake. Coming from a painfully eclectic background of assembly,

Building Developer Experience: Speed

At Spectral, we’ve created the Developer Experience Manifesto which describes a gist of years of our experience building developer tools and infrastructure. It also serves as

Stop leaks at the source!