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Uri Shamay

react native vs flutter

Flutter vs. React Native – Which is The Better Framework?

Mobile development has exploded over the past decade. In the beginning, we tried to cheat the system by wrapping up JavaScript frameworks to masquerade as a

how zip() works in python

How zip() Works in Python

Every now and then we get datasets that we need to combine together. The zip() function in Python returns a tuple based on the passed in

code review checklist

Code Review Checklist: 8 steps to improved productivity [XLS template attached]

Code review is the best way to maintain a high level of code quality. The code review acts not only as a gatekeeper for bad code

What is a Data Architect & How You Become One

What is a Data Architect & How You Become One

Quick announcement: with SpectralOps you can protect your data from leaks caused by hard coded secrets and misconfigurations At the root of every application and software

The Beginner's Guide to Preventing Data Breaches in Your Code

The Beginner’s Guide to Preventing Data Breaches in Your Code

Quick announcement: with SpectralOps you can prevent data breaches by protecting your code from hard coded secrets and misconfigurations. You know how it goes: Every website,

Netz: Scan the internet while drinking coffee

Netz lets you run internet-wide misconfigurations research easily and continuously. It supports infrastructure-as-code so you can put your plan in a config file, run the CLI,

Stop leaks at the source!