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How to create SSH keys for gitlab

The complete guide to SSH keys in GitLab

No one wants to send their precious information over unencrypted channels. This is why most websites and web services use HTTPS to encrypt data by default.

6 steps to a data breach response plan

6 Steps to Developing a Data Breach Response Plan

Experiencing a data breach is never pleasant. Just ask any of the hundreds of businesses that suffered a data breach in the past year, exposing billions

the complete guide to unity api

The Complete Guide to the Unity Scripting API

Unity is by far the most popular game development engine out there. Its user-friendly world view lets you add objects to the game scene and immediately

teamcity vs jenkins

JetBrains TeamCity vs Jenkins – 10 Key Differences

Code fast and break things may be a healthy approach when you’re rushing to present investors with a POC. However, when it comes to developing real-world

Top 25 Jenkins plugins for 2021

Top 25 Jenkins plugins for 2021

Jenkins is the most used open-source CI/CD solution out there. Being a FOSS project usually means that there’s an ever-growing number of extensions and capabilities for vs jenkins vs Jenkins: Battle of the CI/CDs

Continuous integration and delivery are necessary in any production level software development process. CI/CD are more than just buzzwords. Rather, it is a fully-fledged methodology of

the complete guide to the yelp api

The Complete Guide to the Yelp API

Part of the Spectral API Security Series is one of the most influential crowdsourcing sites for businesses. The company is worth just over one billion

top 10 java vulnerabilities

Top 10 Most Common Java Vulnerabilities You Need to Prevent

It’s easy to think that our code is secure. Vulnerabilities or potential exploits are often the things we think about last. Most of the time, our

top 12 open source security solutions

Top 12 Open Source Code Security Tools

Open source software is everywhere. From your server to your fitness band. And it’s only becoming more common as over 90% of developers acknowledge using open

Stop leaks at the source!