Gartner Emphasizes The Importance of Code Secret Scanning in The Software Delivery Process

By Dotan Nahum October 10, 2021

As attackers shift their attention to software development systems and build pipelines to exploit, Gartner experts recommend that software engineering leaders invest in hardening the software delivery pipeline and protect the integrity of internal and external code.

Gartner specialists believe that by 2025, nearly half (45%) of organizations worldwide will have experienced attacks on their software supply chains, a three-fold increase from 2021. A recently published report by Gartner experts outlines the evolving risks to software development supply chains and proposes best practices for software procurement, development, and delivery life cycle security.

Secrets and credentials should never be stored in source code repositories, but software engineers can accidentally commit secrets to source control. Since any user who has access to the repository can clone the repository and store it anywhere, the cloned repository becomes a treasure trove for attackers looking to steal credentials, API keys or secrets. We recommend continuous scanning of repositories to check for files embedded with secrets.

How Software Engineering Leaders Can Mitigate Software Supply Chain Security Risks, Gartner 2021

We’re thrilled to be included as a representative vendor in the report by Gartner. Spectral’s secret scanning solution provides software developer teams with a hassle-free solution that continuously scans repositories and code assets such as configuration, environment, and even documentation files for code secrets and credentials. Moreover, Spectral offers extensive CI/CD integration options, AI-based deep scanning, and all without compromising the security and privacy of your code – nothing is ever uploaded to our servers.

To learn more about Spectral secret scanning and DLP, get in touch with us to schedule a demo.

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